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Monday, May 17, 2010

HSA week pros and cons

-on the days i don't have hsa's, its the equivalent to a 3.5 hour delay :D
-i really do want to pass high school
-my junior and senior year, i don't have to take any at all (unless i fail, which is highly unlikely)


-on the days i do have hsa's, i have to go in at normal time
-these test are insanely easy, and i dont see their point
-my biology teacher said the hsa was going to be hard, hard, hard, and that if we didn't study we wouldn't pass. i have a feeling im going to pass, and i didn't do any studying outside of class.
-these tests are actually rather draining, especially when you finish each session in 15 minutes. you try sitting there silently for half an hour! its tough. i ended up napping, and im STILL tired. :sigh:
-did i mention that they're rather pointless?