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Monday, April 12, 2010

so dreams DO help!!

*revelation light* lol.

Okay, serious now.

If you've heard about my awful dream that I had recently (my best guy friend left me..), then you must also know about how well the dream analysis I did DIDN'T work.

But i was just thinking about it, and I've realized. The dream WASN'T just a miserable thing from Hell to try and get to run around in fear like a chicken with its head cut off.

The dream showed one of my major issues. I am *slightly* afraid of being rejected. I say *slightly* because it's not that bad. I'm guessing because I've "caught it" before it came too bad? I don't know. But now I know what I need to work on with myself, and something specific I need to ask God to help me with. Which is a very good thing.